helpful hints from our gardeners


Peat Bog

Exploring Peat Moss Alternatives

For years, gardeners have used peat-based soilless mixes to get seeds off to a good start, but as with many aspects of gardening that are proving to not be sustainable or good for the planet, we need to give peat a second look. Learn more about peat and peat alternatives.

Hydrogen Peroxide for Plants

Not only an effective household bleaching agent and disinfectant, it has an ability to generate antimicrobial and oxygen properties that can benefit plants.


Unique Gardening Tricks

This video shows 10 tips, ideas and hacks every gardener should know. These gardening tricks might surprise you and help you not only to grow the best plants in your garden, but also save you a lot of money. — Deirdre

Video Series from “The Rusted Garden”

Gary Pilarchik shares his extensive YouTube series on taking your garden from seed to harvest and everything in between. — Jeff Schorer

Guide to Bees.jpeg

A Pictorial Guide to Bees